CCTV is very commonly used in F&B and Retail businesses.
Most of the SME engaged in F&B and Retail businesses have CCTV system installed, not only for security purposes but also for monitoring of the staffs and internal processes such as food preparation, manufacturing processes, loss prevention measures etc.
However, most of the businesses employed an installed and forget attitude towards the CCTV Systems. There’s little or no regular checks or preventive measures taken to ensure that the system is working properly. Problems arises when footage are required of incidents and it is then discovered that the system had not been working for months and there’s no footage to be retrieved. We had encounter these type of incidents countless time.
Almost all vendors in Singapore employ an reactive approach to warranty as well. i.e. they only react to arrange to fix customer’s problem when customer reported it, instead of actively monitoring the operation status of customers’ system. If customers failed to report any issues, problems goes unfix until incidents happens. Even if checks are perform during normal quarterly maintenance services for those customers that opts for quarterly maintenance, this would mean up to 3 months lapse might gone by before any fault is detected on the system. No vendor provides services to do a detail daily check for customers at the moment.
Even when businesses take proactive approach to check on the system on a daily basis, this become challenging for multiple chain outlets retail and F&B businesses. E.g. 1 of our customers have over 80 outlets in Singapore, just spending 5 mins on each outlet to check on the system operation status on a daily basis would required over 6 hours daily, basically employing someone full time to do it.
We had developed an auto health check system (AHS) that is able to do a automated daily health check on Customer’s system and present it in a dashboard. It will highlight sites with problem to allow customers to take remedial steps to rectify the problem fast whenever it occurs. There are integration features to allow them to notify their vendor of the problem automatically as well to allow for fast resolution of the problem.
The great thing is that this AHS system is not only limited to customers who had their system installed by us. We had integrated 3 of the top brand (by market share) of CCTV system providers into the AHS system and these brands are widely used both in Singapore and throughout the world.
The system is undergoing beta testing with our existing customers right now. The AHS system had immediately highlighted issues in the systems that had gone unnoticed by customers for months. e.g. Date/Time not set correctly, harddisk not recording, system had been consistently switch off every night by accident, etc.
We are looking to allow more businesses with compatible CCTV system installed to come on board as well.
Currently, we are offering a 3 to 6 month FREE Trial to any interested businesses that has compatible system installed.
The subscription will starts from $4.50/Month/System thereafter (to be confirmed later as we are still undergoing free trial at the moment). At $4.50/Month (15 cents a day), it’s almost a negligible cost to business to ensure that their CCTV system is working fine.
We are also looking at (yet to be confirm) offering permanent FREE subscriptions (Basic Plan) for customers with up to 2 systems to be monitored. Priority will be given to our own customers, follows by interested customers with system installed by other vendors who had indicated their interest during the trial period.
Let us know if you are interested and we’ll keep you inform !