Frequently Asked Question

The device has enable stream encryption
Last Updated 6 years ago

If you encounter Device Stream Encryption error message on your iVMS-4500 mobile device apps, check on the following.

If you are using DVR that supports High Definition Cameras, ensure that the stream encryption had not been accidentally turned on.

If you are using older models of DVR (prior to 2016 models), the updates to the iVMS-4500 mobile app or the DVR firmware might be the issues.

Switch to using iVMS-4520 instead.
For apple iOS

For google playstore, iVMS-4520 is no longer available.
The apk is available on 3rd Party Sites.
Download and use AT YOUR OWN RISK

After installation, you can use this guide to export and import your settings from iVMS-4500 to iVMS-4520

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