Frequently Asked Question

How to Run Teamviewer for Remote Assistance
Last Updated 3 years ago

Download and run Teamviewer Quick Support V12 from the following link
For PC (Windows)
For iMAC (Apple Computer)
For Android Devices (Supported Android Phone/Tablet)
IMPORTANT : Do note that we do not recommend troubleshooting on an Android Devices as it's not stable.
The computer you are running the Teamviewer from MUST be connected to the same local area network as your CCTV system if you require us to troubleshoot the CCTV system.
Same network means same WIFI or plugged into the same Internet Router.


The above screen will show.
Send us the ID and Password for us to remotely login to your computer to troubleshoot.
You can stay by your computer and see what we do. We might require you to key in password to your system/router if required.
Feel free to learn from watching what we do so that you'll be able to troubleshoot if the same issues occurs.

Do note that we require you to run Teamviewer Quick Support Version 12 for us to connect to your system as our Teamviewer License only allow us to login to that version.
If you have other versions running, please quit the version, download and run this version, and rerun your own Teamviewer after the support session.
If you are more comfortable downloading directly from Teamviewer Website, you can download them here.

For Windows
For iMac

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