Frequently Asked Question

Faulty Harddisk Warranty
Last Updated 9 years ago

If your system is still under warranty, we will replace/repair your harddisk free of charge.
However, we will not be able to recover the data in the faulty harddisk for you.
If the system is no longer under warranty, you can opt to have the harddisk replaced and the faulty harddisk will be given to you.
If the data is important, you can contact data recovery center to such as Adroit Data Recovery Center ( to do the data recovery for you.
Do contact them for the charges.
If the system is under warranty, you can loan the crashed harddisk from us (loan as we would had already given another replacement harddisk to be installed in your DVR) and send the faulty harddisk to the recovery center for data recovery.
If the recording is very important, we have system that has redundant storage that can cater for harddisk failure and automatic recovery when a harddisk fail.
Do let us know so that we can proposed system with redundant storage for you.

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