Frequently Asked Question

Hostname IP Updated , But still cannot view
Last Updated 9 years ago

If the Hostname IP is updated and you still cannot connect to the system from the internet, it is most likely because of the following reason.
1. Internet Router had been reset/reconfigured/replaced.
- Please confirm that the internet had not been reset/reconfigured/replaced. There are settings in the router that's necessary for the connection of your CCTV over the internet. You'll need to reconfigure it. You can either refer to the following guides ( F1-F4) to reconfigure it, or to engage us to do it.
2. DVR is not turn on or connected to the Router.
- Please ensure that all equipment are powered on and all cables securely connected.
3. Internet Router's Port Forwarding feature hang.
- Some models of Router are known to have their port forwarding function "hang" when there's too many connections. Models include Singnet older 2Wire (White Color) router.
4. For some older AVTECH models, they are known to stuck at the bootup screen when the harddisk is faulty as they are attempting to "scan" for harddisk.
- IF you have a monitor, it'll be displayed as an error on the monitor. If the system is under warranty, contact us and we'll arrange to replace the harddisk for you. It's covered under the warranty.
If it is not under warranty and you have no monitor connected to it, you can try switching off the dvr, opening the DVR casing and disconnect the harddisk cable from the DVR and turn the system back on again.
If it is due to harddisk faulty issues, this would enable you to remotely view the system. However, it'll not be recording until the faulty harddisk is replaced.
If all these troubleshooting steps fails or it's too complex for you, you may choose to engage us to do the troubleshooting for us.
You can either choose to have us remote login to a computer connected to the same network through teamviewer (Download and run and send us the ID and Password for us to login to troubleshoot), or arrange to have us go onsite.
If your system is under warranty, do note that the following are not covered under warranty.
1. Issues caused by unplugged cable.
2. Issues cause by power switch not turned on.
3. Networks issues due to router reconfigured/replaced/faulty/hanged router.
4. Any re-installation of software on computer/devices.

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