Tag Archives: People Counting


CCTV Analytics for your Existing CCTV System

As a business owner, have you ever wonder about these ?

  • How many people visited my store today ?
  • Which is the busiest time of the day for my store ?
  • Where should i place more profitable product in my store to ensure more customers saw them ?
  • Do I have enough counter staffs to minimize waiting time for my customers ?
  • Am I missing customers by opening my store too late ?

Answer these questions and many more utilising your existing CCTV System for free !

Using our proprietary techniques , we are able to add analytics features to your existing CCTV systems to answer those questions that you had been wondering about your store.

Make use of Data Analytics to improve on the productivity and efficiency of your businesses to increase profits while reducing cost.

System is under Beta Testing now and we are collecting insights into the business that most business owners doesn’t realised until the they saw the analytics reports.

Some details examples are :-

People Counting – Analyse traffic flow into your stores at different days/time periods. Know when to deploy your staffs to minimise staffing cost.


Movement Activities :- Analyse amount of activities in various part of the store. You may wish to place items you want to promote in those areas.

Queue Threshold Counting :- Analyse period of the day where the queue of your store hit a certain threshold. You might want to consider opening up additional counters during those period.

Works are in progress to enable regular comparison reports to be compile across different outlets for comparison. Analyse why certain high traffic stores have lower revenues.

These are current/future reports that we are working on as well.

Without concrete data, business owners are not able to make factual decision on their business.

Our proprietary technique allow customers to make use of their existing equipment to captured these data without having to purchase or install additional equipment to do so.

Currently, the system is undergoing trial so all interested participant will get at least a 1 Year Free Subscription to the system.

If you find that the data captured are useful to your business operation, we have also have equipment to profile and analyse customers with more accuracy. These including returning customers, walk by customers, time customer spent in the stores, etc.

Contact us if you are interested in the trial.



People Counting !

We had developed an addon module that is able to integrate with some models of DVR to do People Counting !

Currently, we are offering at no additional cost to subscribers.

You’ll be able to use your existing equipment to capture human traffic in your store.

You can choose to log down people who come into your store and knowing when is the peak hour of your store, or to capture people who walked by outside your store and know if the rent you pay is justifiable.

If your system supports it and we had integrate in with our module, you’ll be able to see a People Counting icon in your Action menu.


Click on it and you’ll be able to see information presented in an easy to view chart with a short summary.


More analytic chart and dashboard will be available in the future

Current Supported Brand/Model :-