Over the years, we had implement certain technology advancement to increase our productivity and efficient in meeting the needs of our customers.
We had implemented and revised our support ticketing system over the last few years.
We encourage customers to utilise our support ticketing system when they encounter any problem with the system that they have.
This allows us to
- Ensure that unanswered support ticket doesn’t get overlooked. They will stay stuck at Open status until one of our technicians reply.
- It allow us to track the response time to ensure that service levels are met.
- It also allows us to keep the history of customer’s issues over time so that with this past history, we would be able to identify problem easier.
From our experience, this is a lot better than sending email directly to any technicians or personals.
Problem with Emails
- They tends to get overlooked as we received a lot of emails everyday. Sometimes to assist customers, we need to look into their past record or do some test in order to reply to the customers. Once viewed, these emails changed status to “Read” and get buried among the other emails that we have. There’s a high possibility that it’ll be missed
- It only allow the person that the email is sent to for assistance. Sometimes, the specified personal that you had send the email to might be engaged or on leave. This means that your email will be overlook. Creating a ticket will allow other technicians who are available to assist you instead of waiting for specific personal.
- When there’s a personal turnover, the email account will be removed. This means that past corresponding with the person will be deleted. This make it hard for other technician to check on your past history to assist you. When the issues is logged in our support ticketing system, it’ll work independently of the technician email. It enable us to have a record of history even when the technician is no longer with us.
- We can’t track and improve on our response time automatically. There’s no reminder sent to us when a ticket is overdued or takes too long to reply. With our support ticketing system, we received reminders when tickets are not answered and over dued. It enable us to get back to the customer in a timely manner.
Therefore, we do encourage all our customers to raise issues to us through our support ticketing system.
Just visit http://support.lakson.com.sg/newticket and create a new ticket. It’ll send the issues to us. You’ll get all replies through your email and you can continue to reply to us vie your email. It’s as simple as that.
Alternatively, just email us at support(at)lakson.com.sg, it’ll also create a support ticket.
We encourage customer to use the webpage to create new ticket instead of emailing us directly as we are receiving hundreds of spams emails every week from the support email address. In the process of filtering out those spams, the system might inadvertently mistaken your support ticket as a spam and discard them. Creating a new ticket from the webpage will ensure that the ticket reaches us.
Apart from the support ticketing, we also have FAQ/Knowledgebase that customers can browse through while waiting for our technician to reply you. Most of the time, answers to your queries can be found there, such as links to download software, user guides, screenshots, etc.