For customer using iVMS-4500 HD on iPAD, take note of this before you upgrade the OS to iOS14.6 and above, otherwise you will not be able to export/import your existing devices.

IVMS-4500HD had been replaced by iVMS-4500 Lite and is no longer updated in the Apple App Store. iVMS-4500HD will not run on iOS14.6 and above.
Do this NOW if you are using iVMS-4500HD.

Export all your current devices in iVMS-4500HD by generating QRCode for the devices in your app.
Here’s the guide on how to do it.
Download and install the iVMS 4500 Lite app.
Import the devices you had backup using the QRCode
Here’s the guide.
Do the Export BEFORE you upgrade the iOS. Otherwise, you will not be able to run iVMS-4500HD anymore once the OS had been upgrade.
iVMS-4500HD app had been combined with the iVMS-4500 Lite app and is no longer updated for the newer version of the OS.
If you had updated it and iVMS-4500HD no longer run on your version iOS, you will need to follow this guide to manually key in the devices in the iVMS-4500 Lite, or scan the previous QRCode provided to you when the installation was done initially.
Note that the initial QRCode will not be valid if you had change the hostname/username/password since.